"So did you get the call as well?" (с) Olivera
Это были славные полторы недели. Жаль, что они закончились.
И очень уж хочется сохранить себе здесь те цитатки, которые заготовила для моба. Далеко не все из них использовались, некоторые просто любимые и вряд ли были бы в тему. Просто чтоб было под рукой.
Resident Evil: Apocalypse Quotes. читать дальшеМестами с указанием персонажей. Плюсами отмечены те, что использовала в ходе моба.
We've received reports of Umbrella Corporation...
Clear skies in Raccoon City and a light breeze coming in from the west. - Терри (Terri).
He's clean. Let him pass. Next! +++
Civilian in trouble. Three o'clock. Take us down. - Оливера (Olivera) +++
-She's a civilian. We have orders.
-Fuck orders!
Nicholai, tie me off. - Оливера
I've seen what happens to you once you've been bitten. +++
Why are you here? You should've got out while you had the chance. - Джилл (Jill) +++
This is a biohazard quarantine area. - Кейн (Cain) +++
The infection is spreading faster than anyone anticipated. - Кейн +++
The risk of infection is too great. You must understand. - Кейн
You do what you have to do. - Эшфорд (Dr. Ashford) +++
Take her to the Raccoon City facility.
Out of my way. - Джилл +++
This is Olivera. We've been overrun. Request immediate chopper evac. - Оливера
- How come you know so much about Umbrella?
- I used to work for them.
He's wounded. The infection's spreading. - Элис (Alice)
It'll be more difficult later. You know that. - Элис +++
If it comes to that... I'll take care of it myself. - Джилл +++
Sir, T-virus infection has reached critical levels.
Ensure all data streams are recorded. - Кейн +++
They're landing there. Let's get Yuri! - Оливера
- They dropped something.
- Maybe a radio. One that works.
Nicholai, put me down. - Юрий (Yuri)
We don't need weapons. We need evacuation! - Николай (Nicholai)
These weren't meant for us. - Оливера +++
Let's see how good they really are. - Кейн +++
Are you ready to make a deal? - Эшфорд +++
Umbrella was to evac her, but she didn't make it. - Элис
There won't be any help. - Элис +++
Umbrella knows they can't contain the infection. - Элис
Not even Umbrella is capable of this. - Пейтон (Peyton)
Primary target is identified. +++
Gentlemen, this is what we've been waiting for. - Кейн +++
This bite... it won't stop bleeding. - Оливера
We're assets, Nicholai. Expendable assets. And we've just been expended. - Оливера +++
I'm not one of those things. Hey, remember me? Look, I haven't been bitten or anything. Look. - Эл Джей (L.J.)
Climb aboard. - Джилл +++
We're gonna have to split up to search this place. - Джилл +++
Try to hit them in the head. - Джилл
So did you get the call as well? - Оливера +++
I guess we're partners. - Оливера
There's no need to be afraid. - Терри +++
You can't help her. Not now. - Энджи (Angie) +++
It's okay, honey. They're slow. We can run around them. - Джилл
Stay. - Ник
Thought you might need a help. - Ник +++
Now I consider myself freelance. - Ник
Sergeant Nicholai Genovev, at your service. - Ник
Save the girl! I've got this bitch. - Ник
You two know each other? - Джилл +++
She's infected. She's infected on a massive level. - Элис +++
You know I'm not gonna hurt you. - Элис
He just wanted to stop that. - Энджи
They said I'd never get better, just worse. - Энджи
He found a way to make me stronger. - Энджи
Don't shoot! He's cool. - Эл Джей
He made a deal with Dr. Doom, same as you. - Эл Джей
How many of you guys are there? - Джилл
When were you bitten? - Элис
It's your lucky day. - Элис
First, you tell us how we're getting out. - Элис
It has another purpose, but it'll be lightly guarded. - Эшфорд
I suggest you make haste. - Эшфорд
Computers... so unreliable. Just like people. - Кейн
You really thought I didn't know? - Кейн
The T-virus reanimates dead cells. Basically, bringing the dead to life. Or in a living human, it can cause uncontrollable mutation. Or it can help her walk again, if the virus is kept in check with this. - Элис
And they infected you with the T-virus as well? - Оливера
But don't worry. I'm not contagious. - Элис
Tape the story. I'll see that it gets put to good use. - Джилл
We've been expecting you. - Кейн
I knew you wouldn't leave me. - Энджи
The two of you showed such promise, but we had to see you in action. - Кейн
Parallel strands of research. - Кейн
And now... Now we'll discover which is superior. - Кейн
What makes you think I care? - Элис
Don't you understand how important you are to me? - Кейн
I became a freak. - Элис
With my help, just imagine what you can achieve. - Кейн
Evolution has its dead ends. - Кейн
Put him out of his misery... and come with me. - Кейн
You're such a disappointment to me. - Кейн
- Why haven't we taken off?
- Because I usually drive a Cadillac.
U-Gamma to base. Confirmation.
New evidence now discredits earlier reports...
The perpetrators of the hoax, Jill Valentine and Carlos Olivera now being sought for questioning by the police.
- Thank you, gentlemen. We'll take over from here.
- On whose authority?
- Classified. Level six authorization.
This is a product of the Umbrella Corporation. Our business is life itself. Some side effects may occur.
It's the antivirus, the cure to the T-virus. - Элис
"Хроники на первом этаже, сумасшедшие на втором!",
Resident Evil,
Мобы и тесты